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Getting Started with Student Choice
Making the big shift towards student-centered learning practices can start with just a few choice opportunities. When educators talk about instructional choice, they are often referring to instructional opportunities that allow students to select from two or more options with some level of independence (Jolivette, Stichter, & McCormick, 2002). Student choice can be a critical factor in student engagement (Royer, Lane, Cantwell, &...
Students at the Center: The Ultimate Instructional Renovation
Ms. Williams sat at her computer in the front corner of the room with her instructional coach, Emily. “We’ve been working together in Math, but I’d like to explore a little more with Religion, if that’s ok with you,” Emily began. “I was just observed in Religion...
3 Ways to Course-Correct Your Instruction: Be Your Own GPS
Michael Scott, the infamous Regional Manager on NBC’s American version of “The Office” was always getting himself into interesting situations. He always meant well, but it somehow never quite worked out the way he intended, often resulting in hilarity. When I’m...
Teacher Identity Series: Risk-Averse Students
Most people are familiar with the image of a pebble being dropped into a pond. As soon as it breaks the water’s surface, it creates ripples that expand in size until they reach the pond’s edge and gently disappear into the earth. It’s an analogy that is often used...